
Call for Panels: 10th European Conference of African Studies (ECAS), Prague, 25-28.06.2025


The organizers invite the scholarly community to submit panel proposals that align with the converence theme African, Afropolitan, and Afropean Belongings and Identities.

The ECAS conference is the largest and most prestigious conference in the field of African studies in Europe and Africa. Building on the success of the previous ECAS conferences, the theme for ECAS 2025 – African, Afropolitan, and Afropean Belongings and Identities – highlights new challenges in embracing the complexities and ambiguities of our interconnected world, and in conceptualising multiple trajectories, constructions, expressions, and performances of social realities related to Africa and Africans. The topic reflects the tremendous heterogeneity in the approaches of African studies scholars to the study of in-between spaces in historical and contemporary African, Afropolitan and Afropean realities. (Hana Horáková, Chair of the 10th ECAS Local Organising Committee)

Submission: Please submit your proposal latest by 15 September 2024 via the conference website.

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