About the society
The Swiss Society for Religious Studies (SGR-SSSR) promotes the academic research of religions. For this purpose, it organizes conferences, promotes relevant publications and activities of young scholars, and publishes the series CULTuREL. The society was founded in 1977 by staff members of religious studies at Swiss universities and other interested parties.
Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann
General secretary:
Dr. Lina Molokotos-Liederman
Hélène Coste, M.A.
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Religionswissenschaft SGR/SSSR
c/o Anne Beutter
Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar
Universität Luzern
Frohburgstrasse 3; Postfach 4466
6002 Luzern
Tel: +41 41 229 57 15
E-Mail: info(at)sgr-sssr.ch
Web: www.sgr-sssr.ch